Enable IP Packet Forwarding on the machine
Solution 1
sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
then change the following parameter to 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
Save file & exit. Now execute the following command to implement the changes made,
sudo sysctl -p
Solution 2
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Configure the squid proxy
Configure for ssl
mkdir /etc/squid/ssl_cert
cd /etc/squid/ssl_cert
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout squid35.pem -out squid35.pem
# Generate ssl db
/usr/lib64/squid/ssl_crtd -c -s /var/lib/ssl_db
Add following configuration to squid.conf
http_access allow all
http_port 3130
http_port 3128 intercept
https_port 3129 intercept ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=4MB cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/squid35.pem
sslcrtd_program /usr/lib64/squid/ssl_crtd -s /var/lib/ssl_db -M 8MB
sslcrtd_children 16 startup=5 idle=1
ssl_bump peek all
ssl_bump splice all
Restart squid
Configuring firewall rules
In this example, the machine has two interfaces eth0
, eth1
. And squid
is listening on
of interface eth1
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp –dport 80 -j DNAT --to
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp –dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
sudo iptables –t nat -A POSTROUTING –out-interface eth1 -j MASQUERADE
Save iptables configuration
sudo /sbin/iptables-save